PWAD DESCRIPTION FILE AUGUST, 1994 INTRODUCTION ------------ My brothers and I were DOOM addicts, but when we finally found a usable PWAD editor, we were reborn as DOOM junkies. Thus, we humbly offer these PWAD files to all other DOOM junkies or addicts. However, we must offer a bit of positive press for the DOOM editor (DOOMED) written by Geoff Allen. This editor, which is runs in MS Windows, is so friendly even my seven year old brother can use it! All of the PWAD files enclosed in this package are described below: FILE NAME LEVEL NOTES ------------ ----- ---------- IB2TUF4U.WAD E1M1 Great for single or multi-player modes. Lots of secret rooms, but not to hard. Created by Ror. UBSCRWD.WAD E1M1 Great Level, but nominated as most likely to piss you off! (Single or Multi are OK) Created by Jim. LOOKOUT.WAD E1M1 Psycho nut-case level made by my little brother. We recommend God Mode if you know the code for it. (Single only) Created by Chris. USAGE ----- To play these PWAD files, perfrom the following tasks. 1) From DOS, copy the WAD files to your DOOM game directory. 2) Change to your DOOM game directory and then type the following: DOOM -FILE (name) Where (name) is the full PWAD name and file extension. (For example: DOOM -FILE MYWAD.WAD ) 3) Once in DOOM, start a new game on episode 1 (E1). NOTICES ------- MS Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. DOOM is a registered trademark of ID Software. The DOOM Editor (DOOMED) is a copyright Geoff Allen. The DOOMED program may be obtained through the ID Software BBS. Any queries or comments regarding this PWAD package may be sent to the following E-Mail address: ROBINSON@SEDLAB.USC.EDU